How to Add a Single Line or Multiline Comment in YAML

How to Add a Single Line or Multiline Comment in YAML


Welcome to another blog post on codedamn! Today, we’ll be discussing an essential aspect of YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) – comments. Comments are an integral part of any code or configuration file, as they allow developers to add explanations and annotations to their code. They improve code readability and maintainability, making it easier for other developers or even yourself to understand the code at a later time. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into adding single-line and multiline comments in YAML files, complete with easy-to-understand examples.

Understanding YAML Comments

Before we dive into the actual implementation, let’s first understand the importance of comments in YAML files. YAML is a human-readable data serialization language that is commonly used for configuration files and data exchange between languages with different data structures. It’s often used in applications like Ansible, Kubernetes, and Docker Compose.

Comments in YAML files serve the same purpose as in any other programming language – they provide context and explanation for the code or configuration. They are not processed by the YAML parser, so they don’t affect the actual execution or output of your application.

Adding Single-Line Comments in YAML

In YAML, single-line comments can be added using the hash symbol (#). Everything after the hash symbol on the same line is considered a comment and is ignored by the YAML parser. Here’s an example:

# This is a single-line comment in YAML
name: John Doe   # This comment is at the end of a line
age: 25Code language: YAML (yaml)

In this example, we have two single-line comments. The first comment is on a separate line, while the second comment is placed at the end of the line containing actual data. Both comments are ignored by the YAML parser and do not affect the data.

Adding Multiline Comments in YAML

Unlike some other languages, YAML doesn’t have a specific syntax for multiline comments. However, there are ways to add multiline comments in YAML files. The most straightforward method is to simply use multiple single-line comments, each starting with a hash symbol (#). Here’s an example:

# This is a multiline comment in YAML
# It spans across multiple lines
# Each line starts with a hash symbol (#)
name: Jane Doe
age: 28Code language: YAML (yaml)

In this example, we’ve used three consecutive single-line comments to create a multiline comment. Each line of the comment begins with the hash symbol (#).

Another way to add multiline comments in YAML is to use a YAML block scalar. Block scalars allow you to include multiline strings in your YAML file without the need for any special syntax or escaping. You can use a block scalar to include a multiline comment that is not processed by the YAML parser. Here’s an example:

comment: >
  This is a multiline comment in YAML
  using a block scalar. This text will be
  stored as a single string, but it won't
  be processed by the YAML parser.
name: Alice
age: 30Code language: YAML (yaml)

In this example, we’ve used a block scalar (indicated by the ‘>’ symbol) to store a multiline comment as a single string. While this comment is technically part of the data, it can still serve as a comment that provides context and explanation for your YAML file.


Q: Can I use a different symbol for comments in YAML?

A: No, YAML only supports the hash symbol (#) for single-line comments. You cannot use other symbols like // or /* */ for comments in YAML.

Q: Can I use inline comments in YAML?

A: Yes, you can use inline comments in YAML by placing the hash symbol (#) followed by the comment text after the actual data on the same line. For example:

name: John Doe   # This is an inline comment in YAMLCode language: YAML (yaml)

Q: Is there a specific indentation level for comments in YAML?

A: No, there is no specific indentation requirement for comments in YAML. However, it’s a good practice to indent comments at the same level as the code or configuration they are explaining for better readability.

Q: Can I use comments inside a YAML sequence or mapping?

A: Yes, you can use comments inside a YAML sequence or mapping. Just make sure to place the comment on a new line with the appropriate indentation. For example:

  - name: John
    age: 25
    # This comment is inside a mapping
  - name: Jane
    # This comment is also inside a mapping
    age: 28Code language: YAML (yaml)


In this blog post, we’ve learned how to add single-line and multiline comments in YAML files. We’ve discussed the importance of comments in code and configuration files and explored various methods to include comments in YAML. With this knowledge, you can now add meaningful comments to your YAML files, making them more readable and maintainable. For more information on YAML, you can refer to the official YAML documentation here.

Keep learning and happy coding with codedamn!

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