What is microtask queue in JavaScript?

What is microtask queue in JavaScript?

JavaScript, a high-level, interpreted programming language renowned for its versatility and flexibility, is a staple in the world of web development. Its dynamic functionality aids in creating interactive web pages, making it an essential ingredient in front-end development. One of the intriguing aspects of JavaScript is its execution mechanism, and at the heart of this mechanism lies the concept of Microtask Queue. In this blog post, we will dive deep into understanding the Microtask Queue, its significance, and how it influences the way JavaScript operates.

JavaScript's Concurrency Model and Event Loop

Before we delve into the Microtask Queue, it's essential to briefly touch upon JavaScript's concurrency model and the event loop. JavaScript is single-threaded, which means it can only do one thing at a time. However, it appears to be doing multiple things at once. This illusion is maintained by the event loop, which handles asynchronous callbacks.

The event loop continually checks if the call stack (where the code that is currently being run is stored) is empty. If it is, it will take the first task from the task queue (a queue of callbacks waiting to be executed) and push it to the call stack. This cycle of checking and pushing tasks continues indefinitely – hence the term 'loop'.

Introduction to Microtask Queue

Now, where does the Microtask Queue fit in this model? The Microtask Queue, also known as the Job Queue, is a type of task queue that holds a list of microtasks. Microtasks are small, short-duration tasks which are scheduled to run after the currently executing script has run to completion and before control is returned to the event loop to process other tasks in the task queue.

Microtasks include mutation observer callbacks and promise callbacks. When a promise is resolved or rejected, the callback function tied to it is not immediately executed; instead, it is added to the Microtask Queue to be processed as a microtask.

The Priority of Microtask Queue

What sets the Microtask Queue apart from the standard task queue is its priority. In JavaScript's event loop, microtasks have a higher priority than other tasks. After each task, before the next task starts, all microtasks in the Microtask Queue are processed. This implies that if a microtask adds more microtasks to the queue, those tasks will also be processed before moving on to the next task.

Here's a simple code snippet to illustrate this:

console.log('script start'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('setTimeout'); }, 0); Promise.resolve().then(() => { console.log('promise1'); }).then(() => { console.log('promise2'); }); console.log('script end');

In this code, 'setTimeout' is a macrotask and 'promise1' and 'promise2' are microtasks. The output will be:

script start script end promise1 promise2 setTimeout

Even though 'setTimeout' and 'promise1' are both deferred, 'promise1' is executed first because it is a microtask.

Understanding the Role of Microtask Queue in JavaScript

The Microtask Queue plays a crucial role in maintaining the asynchronous behavior of JavaScript. It allows short-duration tasks to be executed without significant delay, providing faster feedback to the user and a smoother user experience. The high priority of microtasks ensures that they are executed promptly, reducing idle time in applications.


1. What is the Microtask Queue in JavaScript?

The Microtask Queue, also known as the Job Queue, is a type of task queue in JavaScript that holds a list of microtasks. These tasks are scheduled to run after the currently executing script is complete and before the event loop continues with the next task in the task queue.

2. How does the Microtask Queue work?

After each task in the task queue, the event loop will process all the microtasks in the Microtask Queue before moving on to the next task. If a microtask adds more microtasks to the queue, those will also be processed before the next task starts.

3. What is an example of a microtask?

Microtasks include mutation observer callbacks and promise callbacks. When a promise is resolved or rejected, the callback function is not immediately executed; instead, it is added to the Microtask Queue to be processed as a microtask.

4. Why is the Microtask Queue important?

The Microtask Queue plays a crucial role in maintaining the asynchronous behavior of JavaScript. It allows short-duration tasks to be executed without significant delay, providing faster feedback to the user and a smoother user experience.

For further reading, you can check the official documentation on MDN Web Docs.

In conclusion, the Microtask Queue is an integral part of JavaScript's concurrency model. Understanding it will provide valuable insight into how JavaScript operates under the hood, enabling you to write more efficient and effective code. Remember, every big journey starts with small steps, and understanding concepts like the Microtask Queue is a step in the right direction to mastering JavaScript.

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