How to Use ES6 Classes in JavaScript

How to Use ES6 Classes in JavaScript

JavaScript, the core language of the web, has seen numerous updates over the years, each bringing forth new syntax, new APIs, and new best practices for developers to follow. One such significant update came in the form of ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015. This update brought along a new way to handle objects and inheritance models – the ES6 classes. This feature has since become a staple for many developers, proving its worth through the clear, concise, and easily readable code it produces. At codedamn, we understand the value of staying updated with the latest in technology and today, we will take a deep dive into the concept of ES6 Classes in JavaScript and how they can enhance your coding experience on our platform.

Unveiling ES6 Classes

Before we embark on our journey, it is integral to understand what classes in JavaScript are. Prior to ES6, JavaScript was a prototype-based language, implying that objects were dynamically created and then modified on the go by appending methods and properties. However, ES6 brought with it the new 'class' syntax, which gave developers the ability to perform object-oriented programming in a manner similar to other languages like Java or C#.

In simple words, a class in ES6 is nothing more than a special type of function. The keyword function is replaced by class and the properties are assigned inside a constructor() method. Here's a basic example:

class Car { constructor(brand) { this.carname = brand; } } let myCar = new Car('Tesla'); console.log(myCar.carname); // Tesla

In the given example, Car is a class and it has a constructor. When we create a new instance of Car, we pass the brand 'Tesla' to the constructor, which assigns the carname property on the object.

Advantages of Using ES6 Classes

ES6 classes are not just a new syntax for creating objects, they offer several advantages that make them superior to the old prototype-based approach.

1. Enhancing Syntax Clarity

The introduction of ES6 classes has greatly enhanced the readability and writability of the code. The simplicity and familiarity of the syntax make it easy for developers from other object-oriented languages to grasp JavaScript quickly. The code becomes self-descriptive, making it easier to understand what a class is supposed to do without requiring extensive comments or documentation.

2. Simplifying Inheritance

Inheritance is a powerful concept in object-oriented programming, allowing one class to inherit properties and methods from another. ES6 classes simplify the process of inheritance, thereby promoting code reuse. When one class extends another, the subclass will inherit all the methods and properties of the superclass.

Let's take a look at an example of inheritance in ES6:

class Vehicle { constructor(name) { = name; } start() { console.log(`${} is starting.`); } } class Car extends Vehicle { drive() { console.log(`${} is driving.`); } } let myCar = new Car('Tesla'); myCar.start(); // Tesla is starting.; // Tesla is driving.

In this example, Car is a subclass of Vehicle and inherits the start method from Vehicle. This is a powerful feature of ES6 classes enabling the creation of complex hierarchies and relationships between objects.

3. Utilization of super Keyword

The super keyword is another gem that ES6 classes bring to the table. It is used to call the constructor of the parent class, making it easier to access and call functions on an object's parent, reducing code duplication and complexity.

class Vehicle { constructor(name) { = name; } start() { console.log(`${} is starting.`); } } class Car extends Vehicle { constructor(name) { super(name); this.type = 'Car'; } drive() { console.log(`${} is driving.`); } } let myCar = new Car('Tesla'); console.log(myCar.type); // Car

In the example above, Car calls super(name) in its constructor, which invokes the constructor of Vehicle with the given name. This is particularly handy when working with multiple layers of inheritance.

ES6 Classes at codedamn

As a developer, it's important to constantly learn and adapt according to the ever-evolving tech landscape. At codedamn, we acknowledge this and provide a platform that allows you to practice and perfect your skills. With our JavaScript playground, you can experiment with ES6 classes and see the results of your code in real-time. This interactive approach to learning helps you understand the implications of your code, making it an ideal platform to learn and experiment with ES6 classes.


1. Can I use ES6 classes in all web browsers?

While most modern web browsers do support ES6 classes, there are still some older browsers that do not. In such cases, you might have to use a tool like Babel to transpile your ES6 code into ES5, which is more widely supported.

2. Can I use a class without a constructor?

If you do not specify a constructor method, a default constructor is added to your class. This constructor is empty and does not perform any action.

3. Are JavaScript classes similar to classes in other languages?

Although the class keyword in JavaScript may look similar to classes in languages like Java or C#, they are not the same. JavaScript classes are primarily syntactical sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance.

For a more comprehensive understanding of ES6 classes, I would recommend going through the official ES6 documentation.

In conclusion, ES6 classes are a revolutionary addition to JavaScript that brings it on par with other class-based languages. They simplify the way we write and read code, making JavaScript more accessible to developers from various backgrounds. Understanding ES6 classes is vital to modern JavaScript development and can greatly enhance your coding experience on codedamn. Keep learning and keep coding!

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