Learn Next js- full guide of learning it

Hey readers, in this article we will be discussing how to learn Next js in a step-wise, efficient manner. If you are a beginner and want to learn Next js then do read this article. The Next js is the latest framework that is on par with React js. It is used to build web applications with flexible routing and API integration.

What is Next js?

It is a minimalistic framework used for building SPA (Single Page Application) of JavaScript in a customizable way. It supports SSR (Server- Side Rendering) and has high performance. This is why it is extensively used today for building large-scale complex applications in an easy way. 

How to learn Next js in 2022

  • Learn CSS and JavaScript fundamentals and make some projects using these tech stacks along with some advanced concept of it
  • Learn React and React Hooks concepts and make projects using it
  • Follow the Next js documentation and Codedamn course
  • Decide on a project or application idea to build it
  • Follow Codedamn advance course for Next js and keep building the project

Things or topics to learn Next js

  • Overview, this includes what is Next js, why is it used, its advantages and disadvantages, and differentiating factor with respect to other frameworks like React.
  • Next js features: which includes: Pages, Static file serving, Meta Data, support of CSS global, pre-rendering
  • Routing in Next js: This includes the basics of routing and types of routing. Further dynamic routes, Imperative routing as well as shallow routing
  • Once the basics of routing are done, the next thing to learn in Next js is the API routes which includes, the fundamentals of API routing, API Middlewares, and Response helper
  • After learning all of this, try to make a project using these concepts and after that learn about environment variables in Next js along with its CLI and deployment.

To learn Next js or any other course, check out Codedamn Next js course and try out free courses, if you like it then do buy the subscription and join the Codedamn community with live doubt solving. Codedamn also has its YouTube channel so do check that out as well. Now that we understood what to study, let’s deep dive into each section and check the subtopics to study in Next js, keep reading.

Learn Next js Introduction

  • Pre-requisite of the course
  • Overview of Next js
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Features and use case
  • Getting started with Next js fundamentals with documentation

Next js Routing 

  • Routing with pages in Next js
  • Dynamic routing parameters
  • Next js Routes Catch-All
  • Navigating between pages using link component
  • Types of routing

Configuration in Next js

  • Adding modules of CSS in Next js application
  • Adding theme UI
  • Styling along with theme UI
  • Styling and variants of style
  • Next js customizing the config
  • Different plugins in Next js
  • Next js along with Typescript

API integration

  • Creating API routes in Next js
  • API Handlers
  • Creating an API 
  • Fetching data and use of getStaticProps in Next js framework
  • Building static pages in an application using the getStaticPaths method of Next js
  • Auth in Next js along with a method for fetching data from the database
  • getServerSideProps for fetching data from the server-side
  • Rendering modules and dynamic rendering
  • Working with server-side rendering aka SSR

Deployment or deploying the application built with Next js

  • Overview of how to deploy
  • Where to deploy
  • Wrapping up by reading documentation and the regular updates of Next js version


This was about how to learn Next js it is crucial to know the concepts of API routing and logging as it is for debugging and testing, if you want to learn more about Next js, do check out the article and course on Codedamn of Next js. Hope you liked this, if you have any queries or suggestions do let us know in the comments. 

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