Learn NFT Programming: Create and sell your own NFTs using Solidity

Learn NFT Programming: Create and sell your own NFTs using Solidity

Create your own NFT from scratch using Solidity, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin and Alchemy.

(6 ratings)
218 enrolled
Course Instructor: Rahul Agarwal

Course Outcomes

  • Create a NFT from scratch
  • Writing Smart Contract using Solidity
  • Use of Hardhat tool
  • Blockchain knowledge
  • Working with IPFS
  • Publish NFT on OpenSea marketplace
  • Practice through labs

Course Structure

29 lectures2h 41m total duration

  What is NFT and its use cases 
  ERC 721 vs ERC 1155 

About This Course

This NFT course is designed for programmers and developers who want to take a comprehensive deep dive in writing smart contracts and creating their own NFT. This course provides detailed overviews of Ethereum, smart contracts, Hardhat and the development language, Solidity and much more. In every section there are labs so that you can master every concept by practicing it by your own.

In this course, you will learn to create and deploy an ERC-721 smart contract on the Rinkeby test network using MetaMask, Solidity, Hardhat, Pinata and Alchemy. We will do everything from scratch so that you can understand all the necessary concepts precisely. From setting up a new project, deploying our smart contract, minting our NFT and then finally listing it for sell in OpenSea marketplace.

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • You Need A Computer With Linux, MacOS Or Windows.
  • You should know atleast one programming language before taking this course.

Who this course is for

  • Anyone who wants to understand Ethereum Blockchain Platform and how to build write smart contracts in Solidity.
  • Programmers who want a good understanding of NFT and ERC721 contracts.
  • Anyone who wants to learn a cutting-edge technologies.

By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the Solidity Programming Language and Selling your own NFT in the market.

Used by learners at


This course is interactive

Interactive courses include hands-on coding exercises to practice as you learn. You practice exercises in a VS Code like IDE without any installation/setup.

Screenshot of codedamn IDE

Student Feedback

Course Rating







Profile picture for bristin borah
bristin borah
Aug 16, 2022
good for beginners
Profile picture for Dhruv Sahu
Dhruv Sahu
Jul 18, 2022
Profile picture for Dhruv Bhaskar soni
Dhruv Bhaskar soni
Jul 08, 2022
great experience so far!
Profile picture for Poise-Paul
Jul 04, 2022
Great Course making NFT Development an ease
Profile picture for Rahul Agarwal

Rahul Agarwal  Instructor

Thank you ! Hope to see you in my future courses.

Profile picture for Khushaal Choithramani
Khushaal Choithramani
Jul 01, 2022
Great Explaination 🎉
Profile picture for Rahul Agarwal

Rahul Agarwal  Instructor

Thank you Khushaal.

Course Instructor

Rahul Agarwal
Expert in Flutter and Blockchain application development
Rahul Agarwal
4.2 Instructor rating
43 Ratings
901 Students
15 Courses

I am an experienced Flutter and Blockchain application developer. I conduct workshops where I am building a community of tech enthusiast. I am well versed in production level application and how to wr...View profile

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