LPI Security Essentials Practice Tests

LPI Security Essentials Practice Tests

Prove you're ready to take and pass the LPI Security Essentials 020-100 certification exam

New Course
Course Instructor: David Clinton

Course Outcomes

  • Cover all the objectives for the LPI Security Essentials certification and be ready to take the exam
  • Understand the basics of networking and connectivity
  • Understand the basics of web encryption and email encryption
  • Understand the basics of privacy protection, application security,
  • Be ready to make an informed decision about whether to step up to a career in digital security

Course Structure

3 lectures1h 56m total duration


About This Course

With our increasing dependence on technology, we desperately need to be aware of all the many potential security threats that can harm our digital identities, computing systems, networks, and services. The LPI Security Essentials 020-100 certification is perfect for individuals who are looking to protect their digital lives.

If you're not sure you're quite ready to take a chance on the exam, you should test yourself with the three simulation exams included here. Just the way it'll be when you sit for the actual LPI exam, you'll get 60 minutes to work through each set. And you can be sure that the questions you'll face are similar in complexity and style to the real thing. If you score above 75% on these tests, you can be confident that you're ready to make your exam center appointment.

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Course Instructor

David Clinton
Technology made simple
David Clinton
4.3 Instructor rating
18 Ratings
379 Students
7 Courses

David Clinton is an AWS Solutions Architect and a Linux server administrator. He has written about and published training material (including books with Wiley/Sybex, Bootstrap IT, and Manning, and onl...View profile

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